Mystery Shopping for Fitness Businesses

Your phone manner is quite possibly the first and most important interaction to create a good impression to a prospective member.

We all know that offering great customer service over the phone is a very effective tool to gain (& retain) members.   So monitoring this experience will result in a significant impact on your new customer journey with you.

Mystery Shopping can help you identify whether a prospective member’s telephone experience will encourage them to make an appointment to visit your facility, to call you again or whether they will hang up and never return.

Mystery Shopping will measure your telephone customer service.  You’ll learn from mystery shopping:

  • Number of rings before answer
  • Friendliness (enthusiastic, natural & focus on the caller)
  • Basic Customer service (eg: receive the caller’s name & use it throughout the call)
  • Sales skills / Invitation to visit
  • Product knowledge (able to answer questions & relay information easily)
  • Finishing the conversation on the right note to create that final impression

You must agree that effective telephone communication skills will result in productive relationships that lead to better service and increased sales.

Mystery Shoppers for your business are the key to unlock great potential! 

Our mission is to encourage, grow and facilitate outstanding customer service, leading to member satisfaction and increased business.

Our Mystery Shopping program is adapted exclusively for the fitness industry and your unique business requirements. We will give you the best corrective feedback and data. Each report you receive will provide super useful information for your business. Our reports will enable you to have transformative insights and determine priorities that allow our clients to take action, to affect positive change and drive improved business performance.

Our Mystery Shopping program is conducted with integrity and discretion.

Consider making mystery shopping an ongoing part of your overall company initiatives to develop real awareness of customer service and reinforce your sales!