Mystery Shopping is a challenging but fascinating job and I never know what to expect when I walk into any fitness/health/wellbeing facility. I actively engage in conducting numerous Mystery Shops myself, and I love immersing myself in the diverse ‘In Club Experience’ firsthand at the clubs we visit. This hands-on approach provides me with a comprehensive understanding of each facility and enables me to identify any challenges that our clients face. It also keeps me updated with latest customer experience trends and practices.
A typical day starts early so I can map out the most efficient route to the clubs I will be visiting. I then double check specific guidelines and instructions about the mystery shop – I may be ‘targeting’ a selected team member, or I may need a specific ‘back story’ of why I am interested in joining so I need to be prepared.
On my way I stop at a café and order a latte and I automatically find myself going into mystery shopper mode, and I am tasting the quality of the coffee and assessing the friendliness and speed of service.
As I arrive at my first destination, I mentally prepare for any weird scenario that may arise and with the number of fitness facilities I visit I have seen some things that I will never be able to ‘unsee!’
I wait and listen while a team member is on a phone call, and I am wondering just how much longer it will take before she acknowledges me or even just makes eye contact. I see a PT (I know this as personal trainer is emblazed across his shirt……) heading towards me so I deliberately look his way, but he walks right past me without a smile or even a nod of the head – Ok then here we go!
Great start…
Throughout the day as I visit centres, I look for signs of excellence (or not-so-excellent) customer service. I try to strike up a little chat with some of the members hoping to get a sense of the clubs atmosphere or community feel and the ‘vibe’.
Between each mystery shop I make audio notes as I drive along. This ensures that all details are remembered and correctly recorded while it is fresh in my mind. I need to be switched on and ultra-observant, I need to be focused and I need to be both honest and objective in my staffing facts all while coming across as casual, relaxed, and friendly.
I would say that mystery shopping is a tougher gig than most first think. However, I am passionate about being part of something that both assists in improving the customer experience and acknowledging and rewarding excellent service.
I am proud that our mystery shopping programs deliver the feedback to develop a deeper understanding of how to create a great ‘In Club Experience’ for your prospects.
It is incredibly rewarding to see our client’s customer service go from good/bad or indifferent to an outstanding WOW factor level. Ultimately this is simply what will drive your sales and membership retention – The Customer Experience!
Chat with Lisa now about our new Competitive Sales Process Analysis Package

Experienced and results orientated Lisa delivers exceptional customer service, reflecting her commitment to her clients’ success. She combines a warm, compassionate personality with steely determination and focus. Lisa’s early experience working in Media followed by her career in the Real Estate Industry that spans over 25 years is where she has honed her Sales, Marketing and Customer Service skills. Dedicated to her clients’ success shines through in her everyday approach and she is both passionate and proactive with a genuine knowledge and belief that Mystery Shopping can make a huge difference in your business. Lisa is an avid bibliophile and works as a writer and editor in her spare time.