Mystery Shopping for Fitness Businesses

Beyond The Score! Unlocking the Full Value of Mystery Shop Evaluations

It is very tempting for our clients to zero in on the final score on mystery shop reports – after all, numbers seem like the most straightforward measure of performance.  But this is NOT the case – focusing solely on the score can lead to a narrow understanding of what is truly happening in your business.

Time to Reward The Amazing Tours In Your Gym

After mystery shopping fitness businesses across Australia (and now New Zealand) for over a decade there is one question that has frustrated us: how do we reward a staff member immediately who delivers the perfect tour?

From Mystery Shopper to Unexpected Membership!

What started out as a standard mystery shop assignment for one of my team (let’s call her by her ‘alias’ name Chloe) turned into a fabulous win win situation for both my client and for Chloe!